Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Sweet Connor Bubba is 3!

I know we have been slacking a little in the blogging department, but honestly I have thought about it every single week since my last post. But we were having computer issues! Anyway excuses made. I want to talk about my little angel boy!

Three years ago on March 8, 2010 I gave birth to the cutest little 8 pounds 13 ounce little boy. He was so sweet from the very beginning. If you had told me then that I would love having a son this much, I probably would have said that you were crazy! I was so comfortable in the role of a mother to girls. I just didn't see how it could get any better! I was sooooo wrong!! He is just a joy! No other words can explain it!

Connor is all boy! I mean ALL BOY! He loves it all sports, cars, trains, superheroes, running, jumping, tackling(boy does he ever). He is so much fun to play with. Our favorite game is Save Mommy from Mean Daddy(I am really in no danger). Connor rushes to save me, and after I respond "Connor you saved my life" to which he responds "Just doin my job!" I just love him so much!

Proud Daddy!

Grandma Melanie and Connor

Rylee, he loves his sisters so much, and they love him!
He calls them "my gurls" when he misses them!

He has always been so strong and tough!

First experience on a horse with Great- Grandad.

He has literally always loved sports!


Again with the balls!

We joke that when he gets out of the tub you had better check him out because he won't stay that way long. He is our little pigpen!

Our California boy. He gets so blond and tan in the summer. So handsome!

Our little "greaser"

Shot the candles with his gun to blow them out! See the pumped fist!

Love the hands in his pockets. He is so "cool"!

 I am so grateful everyday to my Heavenly Father for giving me wonderful children, and especially my little boy! I am so blessed! Happy 3rd Birthday to my Connor Boyd! Thanks for making me so happy!
Connor and Mommy!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Tree 2012

Every year we have three Christmas Trees in our house. Our decorative, color cooridinated one, our live tree. Which we all pick together. And the kids get to pick their own little live tree. Our kids look forward to this every year. They love to get bundled up and see their aunts and uncles. It truly is a wonderful time of year!
A cute of the kids and Megan and Brandon. They will make an awesome parents. Hint, hint, anytime now!

Libby loving Santa!

Connor on a rocking horse. Look at that cheesy grin.

The pick of the year!

The cutest kids!
The Ornaments- Remember my previous post when we discussed Cameron's first proposal idea. Well he still gave her the ornament, and did a cheesy proposal for our sakes!

Megan and her penguin. She loves penguins. Although this is one is mighty sad at the clothes he is wearing!

My little chef and her apron ornament.

Brandon and his workboot. Brandon just passed his final test to become a journeymen! Congrats!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Engaged! Finally!!!!!

So my little baby brother is going to get married! We are so excited and could not be happier! WE LOVE Tiffany! Here is a little recap of the engagement story.
My little brother Cameron has always been like a big kid to me. When we would go see Disney movies in the theater he would be laughing louder and more often than many of the little kids. I am starting this story with this because Cameron also has other traits of a little child. He is gets so excited when he has a special secret that he can hardly contain himself. He just can't keep it to himself and has to share. (These are actually some of my favorite traits of his)Anyway, about a month ago he said that wanted to propose to Tiffany. So, we all put our brains together and came up with a romantic and beautiful way to propose. During our family tree decorating party, when my Mom was handing out our yearly ornaments she would say she forgot Tiffany's and Cameron was going to say something along these lines. " I have one for her" He would then pull out a beautiful etched pewter ornament that would say " WILL YOU MARRY ME". So cute and sweet right? Well, this is where Cameron's excitement comes into play.
He could not keep his mouth quiet!!! One day when he was talking on the phone to Tiffany she told him that she didn't care how he proposed she just wanted it to be a surprise. So what does he do? He tells her how he is going to propose and when. Why? I don't know! She of course thought it was beautiful, but she wanted to be surprised Dang it! So anyway, we threw this idea out and went on to plan B.
Cameron decided that he would propose at his missionary reunion which was this last weekend. He arranged it all with his mission president that he would do it after the devotional. Then plan was that Cameron would pick up the food for the reunion(A Chilean woman was making empanadas) and then they would have Cameron and his girlfriend come up and thank them. Then Cameron would get up there and propose. Only, the lady who was making the empanadas didn't have them ready and Cameron and Tiffany had to wait while the food finished cooking. It took a really long time and they were afraid they would miss the entire reunion. They almost did! They got there for the last five minutes. Basically, in time for the closing remarks and prayer. Then his mission president said that they wanted to thank Elder Nieves and girlfriend for picking up the food. Then he told them to come up. Tiffany said she was wondering why in the heck they had to come up! But they did and then Cameron popped the question! And she said........YES!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!
I apoligize for these pictures. As we weren't there (thanks to my big mouthed little brother) I wasn't able to document this in the way I wanted to! Someone at the reunion took these with her camera phone.
Look at how red Tiffany's face is! So cute! Tiffany said Cameron's hands were shaking so bad he could hardly put on the ring.

After at Tiffany's parents house!

They reenacted the proposal for Tiffany's parents.

The cute couple!

The bling. Cameron actually had the ring custom made. He designed it himself!

The cake my parents bought to congrulate the couple!

Cameron would like me to mention that he actually did keep the second proposal a surprise!